I get questions about my avatar from time to time, so thought I’d take some time to explain its meaning and give a brief history of it’s evolution. The Unity Thru Conformity avatar has gone through a few iterations since the start of the pandemic and has been my “digital face” for the last year or so. Here’s how it started life, around February 2021:
Simple, and gets the point across, but is a bit sloppy and hard to read. I knew I could do better but didn’t know what better looked like at the time. Also, I was generally furious at the state of affairs in the world, tired of donning a face diaper, and just wanted to show my disdain. I think I had intended on printing up some stickers and giving them away in hopes that others could see it and realize, while they were afraid to say anything publicly, that there were other people in the world that thought our government’s response to a virus with a 99% survival rate, was a bit over the top (to say the least), and had other, more nefarious motives.
Around August 2021, I got annoyed enough by the design’s sloppiness, and decided it needed a bit of polish. Even though I thought maybe the pandemic was winding down, and all this “New Normal” business was turning into just a kooky conspiracy theory, I was reminded that we were still being manipulated, and the goal of government to silence dissent was still prevalent.
Finally (for now?) around December 2021, while we were being told we might miss Christmas again, and vaccine passport programs were rolling out across the world, I decided on one further optimization. It only makes sense that even if you’ve been vaccinated that you’d still need to wear a mask, and avoid face to face conversations. What made even more sense (to anyone not mired in governmental bureaucracy) would be to optimize the mask itself such that it carried an easily scannable QR code, so your family members could verify your vaccine status before letting you in their house on Christmas. Now I know what all that “let me just point this gun at your head to check your temperature” conditioning was all about.
So what does it mean? I really hoped I wouldn’t need to explain it, and maybe for most readers I don’t, but it does have some deeper meanings that I’ll just go ahead and spell out for everyone. The ‘X’ eyes traditionally convey death. In this sense, there is not physical death but rather, a more zombie-like mental death, where all thought and action are dictated by propaganda triggered emotions, and critical thought has left the building. The mask is pretty straightforward and I hope does not need any explanation. The QR code was explained in the last paragraph. The “Unity Thru Conformity” messaging is to convey that, without complete conformity to the Covidmania ideology, we can never truly unite our country (assuming that’s what Biden’s unity campaign pledge was really all about).
Why am I writing about it today? I just got done reading this post by Dr. Robert Malone and it reminded me that there’s a true type of unity I hope to achieve with this image. What if, like the white wrist bands Dr. Malone is advocating for in the physical world, we had a digital equivalent?
So, I ask you to copy this image (pick whichever one you like best, I’ve heard some folks like the one without the QR code) and upload it to your social media profile picture. Ask your like-minded friends to do the same. If wearing a mask in public is meant to reinforce the fear peddled by our media and governments, let’s all wear one online in hopes that it promotes true unity, and helps us tear down the fears of non-conformity.